Centre for Democracy and Development, UK. www.cdd.org.uk
Judicial Reform Foundation, Taiwan. www.jrf.org.tw
Internet Centre for Corruption Research, Germany. www.gwdg.de
Global Action Plan International, Sweden. www.globalactionplan.com
Africa Policy Information Centre, USA www.africaaction.org
Global Sullivan Principles, USA www.globalsullivanprinciples.org
The Copenhagen Centre, Denmark www.copenhagencentre.org
Canadian Council on Africa, Canada www.cme-mec.ca/cca
Good Corporation, UK www.goodcorporation.com
Canadian Investor Relations Institute, Canada www.ciri.org
Global Policy Forum, USA www.globalpolicy.org
Council for a Community of Democracies, USA www.ccd21.org
Development Gateway Foundation, USA www.developmentgateway.org
Canadian Coalition for Good Governance, Canada www.ccgg.ca
Network Institute for Global Democratisation, Finland www.nigd.org
Institute on Governance, Canada www.iog.ca
Probe International, Canada www.probeinternational.ca
Transparency International www.transparency.org
The Sejong Institute, Korea www.sejong.org
Global Coalition for Africa, USA www.gca-cma.org
The Institute for Multiparty Democracy, South Africa www.impd.org.za
Human Rights Internet, Canada www.hri.ca
Rights and Democracy, Canada www.ichrdd.ca
United Nations University, Japan www.unu.edu
Freedom House, USA www.freedomhouse.org
Human Rights Council of Australia Inc, Australia www.hrca.org.au
The Democracy Collaborative, USA www.democracycollaborative.org
UN Development of Public Information, USA www.un.org/dpi/ngosection
Democracy and Governance Studies www.cdacs.georgetown.edu