Activities 2005

•  Participation at the Informal meeting for International Non-Governmental Organisations that held in Paris , France

•  2 nd GNGG general assembly meeting chaired by the new GNGG Chairperson, Barrister Mrs. Ndolo Ekaney.

•  In- house training of 10 GNGG Volunteers on Strategic Planning and project writing by Canadian Volunteer from CESO, Mr. Jean Paul Ferland.

•  Participation at the Seminar/Workshop on Resource Mobilisation For NGOs organized by the South West Civil Society Network (SWECSON) and sponsored by the Netherlands Development Organisation (SNV)

•  Facilitator at the Training Workshop for project Writing, Fundraising and Budget Tracking organized by the Martin Luther King Memorial Foundation (LUKMEF)

•  Guest Organisation at the Radio Programme, Civil Society half Hour over CRTV Buea Radio Station.

•  Trainer at the Computer literacy program themed: Operation 100,000 Women by the Year 2012 organised by IAI Cameroon.

•  Participation at the One-day training course on the use of the Internet as a Source of Information for Journalists, organized by the US Embassy.

•  Participation at the 5 th Conference of International Non-Governmental Organisations accredited to La francophonie in Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso.

•  Facilitator at the Training Workshop for Cameroonian Journalists themed: Good Governance, Democracy and Journalism Ethics organized by the British High Commission.

•  Participation at the Conference themed: Improving and Measuring Governance in Cameroon organized by Transparency International

•  Participation at the training Workshop for Voter Registration Officials organized by the National Elections Observatory (NEO)